About us
Beer and gin specialty Café De Zaaier is an exceptional café with 8 taps, an extensive selection of abbey and Trappist beers and a collection of gins that has been carefully selected since 1993. In addition, you can spoil yourself with one of our fantastic liqueurs or drop your choice on a beautiful whiskey or cognac.
With this enormous offer, the choice for the guest is just as great as it is difficult. Fortunately, our team knows more than enough about the delicious moisture that makes the choice a little easier to make.
Music is very atmospheric in this establishment which is full of old agricultural tools, advertisements and anything and everything that people come to wear.
De Zaaier is the home base for the gin class “Nimmerzat”, a group of enthusiastic gin tasters who meet every first Monday of the month to taste and judge the gins using a specially developed tasting form. A whole year of tasting and assessment results in the proclamation of the “best gin of the year” during an extensively organized Jenever tasting in which various Dutch and Belgian distillers are present.